Teaching and Stepping Control of the Robotic ArmArmTeachMove
It is used for teaching and stepping control of joints, position, and orientation. The following is a detailed description of the member functions of the teaching and stepping of the robotic arm ArmTeachMove
, including the method prototype, parameter description, return value, and usage demo.
Joint step rm_set_joint_step()
- Method prototype:
rm_set_joint_step(self, num: int, step: float, v: int, block: int) -> int:
- Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
num | int | Joint number, 1-7 |
step | float | Step angle |
v | int | Velocity ratio: 1−100, indicating the percentage of the planned velocity and acceleration to the maximum linear speed and linear acceleration of the end effector |
block | int | Blocking settings: multi-thread mode: 0: non-blocking mode, immediately return after sending commands; 1: blocking mode, return after the robotic arm reaches the target position or the planning fails; single-thread mode: 0: non-blocking mode; other values: blocking mode, and timeout period setting, in s. |
- Return value: State codes executed by functions
0 represents success. For other error codes, please refer to the API2 Error Codes.
- Usage demo
from Robotic_Arm.rm_robot_interface import *
# Instantiate the RoboticArm class
arm = RoboticArm(rm_thread_mode_e.RM_TRIPLE_MODE_E)
# Create the robotic arm connection and print the connection ID
handle = arm.rm_create_robot_arm("", 8080)
# Step joint 5 by 3°
print(arm.rm_set_joint_step(5, 3, 20, 1))
Position step rm_set_pos_step()
In the current work frame.
- Method prototype:
rm_set_pos_step(self, teach_type: rm_pos_teach_type_e, step: float, v: int, block: int) -> int:
Jump to typeList for details ofrm_thread_mode_e
- Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
teach_type | rm_pos_teach_type_e | Teaching type |
step | float | Step distance in m, with an accuracy of 0.001 mm |
v | int | Velocity ratio: 1−100, indicating the percentage of the planned velocity and acceleration to the maximum linear speed and linear acceleration of the end effector |
block | int | Blocking settings: multi-thread mode: 0: non-blocking mode, immediately return after sending commands; 1: blocking mode, return after the robotic arm reaches the target position or the planning fails; single-thread mode: 0: non-blocking mode; other values: blocking mode, and timeout period setting, in s. |
- Return value: State codes executed by functions:
0 represents success. For other error codes, please refer to the API2 Error Codes.
- Usage demo
from Robotic_Arm.rm_robot_interface import *
# Instantiate the RoboticArm class
arm = RoboticArm(rm_thread_mode_e.RM_TRIPLE_MODE_E)
# Create the robotic arm connection and print the connection ID
handle = arm.rm_create_robot_arm("", 8080)
# Step 0.05 m in the X-axis direction of the current work frame
print(arm.rm_set_pos_step(rm_pos_teach_type_e.RM_X_DIR_E, 0.05, 20, 1))
Orientation step rm_set_ort_step()
In the current work frame.
- Method prototype:
rm_set_ort_step(self, teach_type: rm_ort_teach_type_e, step: float, v: int, block: int) -> int:
Jump to typeListfor details of rm_ort_teach_type_e
- Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
teach_type | rm_ort_teach_type_e | Teaching type |
step | float | Step radian in rad, with an accuracy of 0.001 rad |
v | int | Velocity ratio: 1−100, indicating the percentage of the planned velocity and acceleration to the maximum linear speed and linear acceleration of the end effector |
block | int | Blocking settings: multi-thread mode: 0: non-blocking mode, immediately return after sending commands; 1: blocking mode, return after the robotic arm reaches the target position or the planning fails; single-thread mode: 0: non-blocking mode; other values: blocking mode, and timeout period setting, in s. |
- Return value: State codes executed by functions:
0 represents success. For other error codes, please refer to the API2 Error Codes.
- Usage demo
from Robotic_Arm.rm_robot_interface import *
# Instantiate the RoboticArm class
arm = RoboticArm(rm_thread_mode_e.RM_TRIPLE_MODE_E)
# Create the robotic arm connection and print the connection ID
handle = arm.rm_create_robot_arm("", 8080)
# Rotate 0.01 rad around the X-axis of the current work frame
print(arm.rm_set_ort_step(rm_ort_teach_type_e.RM_RX_ROTATE_E, 0.01, 20, 1))
Joint teaching rm_set_joint_teach()
- Method prototype:
rm_set_joint_teach(self, num: int, direction: int, v: int) -> int:
- Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
num | int | Teaching joint number, 1-7 |
direction | int | Teaching direction, 0: backward, 1: forward |
v | int | Velocity ratio: 1−100, indicating the percentage of the planned velocity and acceleration to the maximum linear velocity and acceleration of the joint |
- Return value: State codes executed by functions:
0 represents success. For other error codes, please refer to the API2 Error Codes.
- Usage demo
from Robotic_Arm.rm_robot_interface import *
# Instantiate the RoboticArm class
arm = RoboticArm(rm_thread_mode_e.RM_TRIPLE_MODE_E)
# Create the robotic arm connection and print the connection ID
handle = arm.rm_create_robot_arm("", 8080)
# Teach in the forward direction of joint 5
print(arm.rm_set_joint_teach(5, 1, 20))
Cartesian spatial position teaching rm_set_pos_teach()
In the current work frame.
- Method prototype:
rm_set_pos_teach(self, teach_type: rm_pos_teach_type_e, direction: int, v: int) -> int:
Jump to typeList for details ofrm_thread_mode_e
- Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
teach_type | rm_pos_teach_type_e | Teaching type |
direction | int | Teaching direction, 0: backward, 1: forward |
v | int | Velocity ratio: 1−100, indicating the percentage of the planned velocity and acceleration to the maximum angular speed and angular acceleration of the end effector |
- Return value: State codes executed by functions:
0 represents success. For other error codes, please refer to the API2 Error Codes.
- Usage demo
from Robotic_Arm.rm_robot_interface import *
# Instantiate the RoboticArm class
arm = RoboticArm(rm_thread_mode_e.RM_TRIPLE_MODE_E)
# Create the robotic arm connection and print the connection ID
handle = arm.rm_create_robot_arm("", 8080)
# Teach in the forward direction of the X-axis of the current work frame
print(arm.rm_set_pos_teach(rm_pos_teach_type_e.RM_X_DIR_E, 1, 20))
Cartesian spatial orientation teaching rm_set_ort_teach()
In the current work frame.
- Method prototype:
rm_set_ort_teach(self, teach_type: rm_ort_teach_type_e, direction: int, v: int) -> int:
Jump to typeList for details of rm_ort_teach_type_e
- Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
teach_type | rm_ort_teach_type_e | Teaching type |
direction | int | Teaching direction, 0: backward, 1: forward |
v | int | Velocity ratio: 1−100, indicating the percentage of the planned velocity and acceleration to the maximum angular speed and angular acceleration of the end effector |
- Return value: State codes executed by functions:
0 represents success. For other error codes, please refer to the API2 Error Codes.
- Usage demo
from Robotic_Arm.rm_robot_interface import *
# Instantiate the RoboticArm class
arm = RoboticArm(rm_thread_mode_e.RM_TRIPLE_MODE_E)
# Create the robotic arm connection and print the connection ID
handle = arm.rm_create_robot_arm("", 8080)
# Teach in the forward direction around the X-axis of the current work frame
print(arm.rm_set_ort_teach(rm_ort_teach_type_e.RM_RX_ROTATE_E, 1, 20))
Stop teaching rm_set_stop_teach()
- Method prototype:
rm_set_stop_teach(self) -> int:
- Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
num | int | Teaching joint number, 1-7 |
direction | int | Teaching direction, 0: backward, 1: forward |
v | int | Velocity ratio: 1−100, indicating the percentage of the planned velocity and acceleration to the maximum linear velocity and acceleration of the joint |
- Return value: State codes executed by functions:
0 represents success. For other error codes, please refer to the API2 Error Codes.
- Usage demo
from Robotic_Arm.rm_robot_interface import *
# Instantiate the RoboticArm class
arm = RoboticArm(rm_thread_mode_e.RM_TRIPLE_MODE_E)
# Create the robotic arm connection and print the connection ID
handle = arm.rm_create_robot_arm("", 8080)
Set teaching frame rm_set_teach_frame()
- Method prototype:
rm_set_teach_frame(self, frame_type: int) -> int:
- Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
frame_type | int | 0: work frame, 1: tool frame |
- Return value: State codes executed by functions:
0 represents success. For other error codes, please refer to the API2 Error Codes.
- Usage demo
from Robotic_Arm.rm_robot_interface import *
# Instantiate the RoboticArm class
arm = RoboticArm(rm_thread_mode_e.RM_TRIPLE_MODE_E)
# Create the robotic arm connection and print the connection ID
handle = arm.rm_create_robot_arm("", 8080)
# Switch the teaching frame to the current tool frame
Get teaching frame rm_get_teach_frame()
- Method prototype:
rm_get_teach_frame(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
- Return value:
: a tuple containing two elements.
- State codes executed by functions.
0 represents success. For other error codes, please refer to the API2 Error Codes.
- Frame movement
Parameter | Type | Description |
0 | int | Work frame |
1 | int | Tool frame |
- Usage demo
from Robotic_Arm.rm_robot_interface import *
# Instantiate the RoboticArm class
arm = RoboticArm(rm_thread_mode_e.RM_TRIPLE_MODE_E)
# Create the robotic arm connection and print the connection ID
handle = arm.rm_create_robot_arm("", 8080)