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Tool Frame Configuration toolCoordinateConfig

It is used for calibration, change, deletion, update, query, setting of tool envelope parameters, and other configurations of tool frames.

Automatically set tool frame with 6-point method - Mark points rm_set_auto_tool_frame()

  • Method prototype:
int rm_set_auto_tool_frame(rm_robot_handle * handle,int point_num)

Jump to rm_robot_handle for details of the structure

  • Parameter description:
handleInputRobotic arm handle.
point_numInput1−6 represents 6 calibration points.
  • Return value:
1intThe controller returns false, indicating that the parameters are sent incorrectly or the robotic arm state is wrong.
-1intThe data transmission fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication.
-2intThe data reception fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication, or the controller has a return timeout.
-3intThe return value parse fails, indicating that the received data format is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Usage demo
int point_num = 1; // Set the current position as the first calibration point  
 // Set the current position as the first calibration point  
ret = rm_set_auto_tool_frame(robot_handle, point_num);  
if (ret == 0) {  
    // Succeed  
    printf("Auto tool frame set successfully with point number: %d\n", point_num);  
} else {  
    // Fail
    printf("Failed to set auto tool frame. Error code: %d\n", result);  

Automatically set tool frame with 6-point method - Submit rm_generate_auto_tool_frame()

  • Method prototype:
int rm_generate_auto_tool_frame(rm_robot_handle * handle,const char * name,float payload,float x,float y,float z)

Jump to rm_robot_handle for details of the structure

  • Parameter description:
handleInputRobotic arm handle.
nameInputName of tool frame, no longer than 10 bytes.
payloadInputEnd effector payload weight, in kg
xInputPosition of end effector payload in x-axis, in m.
yInputPosition of end effector payload in y-axis, in m.
zInputPosition of end effector payload in z-axis, in m.
  • Return value:
1intThe controller returns false, indicating that the parameters are sent incorrectly or the robotic arm state is wrong.
-1intThe data transmission fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication.
-2intThe data reception fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication, or the controller has a return timeout.
-3intThe return value parse fails, indicating that the received data format is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Usage demo
// Define the name, end effector payload weight, and center of mass of tool frame  
const char *tool_name = "Tool1";  
float tool_payload = 5.0; // The end effector payload weight is 5 kg  
float tool_x = 0.1; // Center of mass of end effector payload CX  
float tool_y = 0.2; // Center of mass of end effector payload CY  
float tool_z = 0.3; // Center of mass of end effector payload CZ  
// Call functions to automatically generate tool frame  
ret = rm_generate_auto_tool_frame(robot_handle, tool_name, tool_payload, tool_x, tool_y, tool_z);  
if (ret == 0) {  
    // Successfully generate and set tool frame  
    printf("Auto tool frame '%s' generated and set successfully. \n", tool_name);  
} else {  
    // Handle in case of failure to generate and set tool frame  
    printf("Failed to generate and set auto tool frame '%s'. Error code: %d\n", tool_name, ret);  

Set the tool frame rm_set_manual_tool_frame()

  • Method prototype:
int rm_set_manual_tool_frame(rm_robot_handle * handle,rm_frame_t frame)

Jump to rm_robot_handle and rm_frame_t for details of the structure

  • Parameter description:
handleInputRobotic arm handle.
frameInputTool frame parameters, including the end effector payload weight, coordinates of the center of mass, and other parameters.
  • Return value:
1intThe controller returns false, indicating that the parameters are sent incorrectly or the robotic arm state is wrong.
-1intThe data transmission fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication.
-2intThe data reception fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication, or the controller has a return timeout.
-3intThe return value parse fails, indicating that the received data format is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Usage demo
// Create a rm_frame_t structure instance and initialize
rm_frame_t toolframe;
strncpy(toolframe.frame_name, "Tool2", sizeof(toolframe.frame_name) - 1);
toolframe.payload = 3.0;
toolframe.pose.position.x = 0.0f;
toolframe.pose.position.y = 0.0f;
toolframe.pose.position.z = 0.0f;
toolframe.pose.euler.rx = 0.0f;
toolframe.pose.euler.ry = 0.0f;
toolframe.pose.euler.rz = 0.0f;
toolframe.x = 0.0f;
toolframe.y = 0.0f;
toolframe.z = 0.0f;

// Call functions to manually set tool frame
int result = rm_set_manual_tool_frame(robot_handle, toolframe);
if (result == 0) {  
    printf("Manual tool frame '%s' set successfully\n", toolframe.frame_name);  
} else {  
    printf("Failed to set manual tool frame '%s'. Error code: %d\n", toolframe.frame_name, result);  

Change the current tool frame rm_change_tool_frame()

  • Method prototype:
int rm_change_tool_frame(rm_robot_handle * handle,const char * tool_name )

Jump to rm_robot_handle for details of the structure

  • Parameter description:
handleInputRobotic arm handle.
tool_nameInputName of target tool frame.
  • Return value:
1intThe controller returns false, indicating that the parameters are sent incorrectly or the robotic arm state is wrong.
-1intThe data transmission fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication.
-2intThe data reception fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication, or the controller has a return timeout.
-3intThe return value parse fails, indicating that the received data format is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Usage demo
// Name of tool, which shall match one of the tool frame names already set  
const char *tool_name = "Tool1";  

// Call functions to change the current tool frame  
int result = rm_change_tool_frame(robot_handle, tool_name);  
if (result == 0) {  
    printf("Successfully changed to tool frame '%s'\n", tool_name);  
} else {  
    printf("Failed to change to tool frame '%s'. Error code: %d\n", tool_name, result);  

Delete the specified tool frame rm_delete_tool_frame()

  • Method prototype:
int rm_delete_tool_frame(rm_robot_handle * handle,const char * tool_name )

Jump to rm_robot_handle for details of the structure

  • Parameter description:
handleInputRobotic arm handle.
tool_nameInputName of tool frame to delete.
  • Return value:
1intThe controller returns false, indicating that the parameters are sent incorrectly or the robotic arm state is wrong.
-1intThe data transmission fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication.
-2intThe data reception fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication, or the controller has a return timeout.
-3intThe return value parse fails, indicating that the received data format is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Usage demo
// Name of tool, which shall match one of the tool frame names already set  
const char *tool_name = "Tool1";  

// Call functions to delete the specified tool frame  
int result = rm_delete_tool_frame(robot_handle, tool_name);  
if (result == 0) {  
    printf("Successfully delete tool frame '%s'\n", tool_name);  
} else {  
    printf("Failed to delete tool frame '%s'. Error code: %d\n", tool_name, result);  

Update the specified tool frame rm_update_tool_frame()

  • Method prototype:
int rm_update_tool_frame(rm_robot_handle * handle,rm_frame_t frame)

Jump to rm_robot_handle and rm_frame_t for details of the structure

  • Parameter description:
handleInputRobotic arm handle.
FrameInputName of tool frame to update.
  • Return value:
1intThe controller returns false, indicating that the parameters are sent incorrectly or the robotic arm state is wrong.
-1intThe data transmission fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication.
-2intThe data reception fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication, or the controller has a return timeout.
-3intThe return value parse fails, indicating that the received data format is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Usage demo
// Create a rm_frame_t structure instance and initialize
rm_frame_t toolframe;
// Name of tool frame, which shall match one of the tool frame names already set  
strncpy(toolframe.frame_name, "Tool2", sizeof(toolframe.frame_name) - 1);
// Update frame parameters
toolframe.payload = 5.0;
toolframe.pose.position.x = 0.0f;
toolframe.pose.position.y = 0.0f;
toolframe.pose.position.z = 0.1f;
toolframe.pose.euler.rx = 0.0f;
toolframe.pose.euler.ry = 0.0f;
toolframe.pose.euler.rz = 0.0f;
toolframe.x = 0.0f;
toolframe.y = 0.0f;
toolframe.z = 0.0f;

// Call functions to update Tool2 tool frame
int result = rm_update_tool_frame(robot_handle, toolframe);
if (result == 0) {  
    printf("Tool frame '%s' update successfully\n", toolframe.frame_name);  
} else {  
    printf("Failed to update tool frame '%s'. Error code: %d\n", toolframe.frame_name, result);  

Get names of all tool frames rm_get_total_tool_frame()

  • Method prototype:
int rm_get_total_tool_frame(rm_robot_handle * handle,rm_frame_name_t * frame_names,int * len)

Jump to rm_robot_handle and rm_frame_name_t for details of the structure

  • Parameter description:
handleInputRobotic arm handle.
frame_namesInputStore the character array of returned tool frame names.
lenOutputStore the length of returned tool frame names.
  • Return value:
1intThe controller returns false, indicating that the parameters are sent incorrectly or the robotic arm state is wrong.
-1intThe data transmission fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication.
-2intThe data reception fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication, or the controller has a return timeout.
-3intThe return value parse fails, indicating that the received data format is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Usage demo
rm_frame_name_t frame_names[10]; // A maximum of 10 tool frames  
int len = -1;  

int result = rm_get_total_tool_frame(robot_handle, frame_names, &len);  

if (result == 0) {  
    printf("Total tool frames: %d\n", len);  
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {  
        printf("Frame %d: %s\n", i, frame_names[i]);  
    printf("Failed to get total tool frames. Error code: %d\n", result)

Get the specified tool frame rm_get_given_tool_frame()

  • Method prototype:
int rm_get_given_tool_frame(rm_robot_handle * handle,const char * name,rm_frame_t * frame)

Jump to rm_robot_handle and rm_frame_t for details of the structure

  • Parameter description:
handleInputRobotic arm handle.
nameInputName of specified tool frame.
frameOutputStore returned tool parameters.
  • Return value:
1intThe controller returns false, indicating that the parameters are sent incorrectly or the robotic arm state is wrong.
-1intThe data transmission fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication.
-2int1. The data reception fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication, or the controller has a return timeout. 2. The tool frame queried does not exist.
-3intThe return value parse fails, indicating that the received data format is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Usage demo
rm_frame_t tool_frame;
const char *given_name = "Tool2";
result = rm_get_given_tool_frame(robot_handle, given_name, &tool_frame);
if (result == 0) {  
    printf("given tool frame name : %s\n", tool_frame.frame_name);
    printf("given tool frame payload : %f\n", tool_frame.payload);
    printf("given tool frame x : %f\n", tool_frame.x); 
    printf("given tool frame y : %f\n", tool_frame.y);
    printf("given tool frame z : %f\n", tool_frame.z);
}  else {  
    printf("Failed to get tool frame '%s'. Error code: %d\n", tool_frame.frame_name, result);  

Get the current tool frame rm_get_current_tool_frame()

  • Method prototype:
int rm_get_current_tool_frame(rm_robot_handle * handle,rm_frame_t * tool_frame)

Jump to rm_robot_handle and rm_frame_t for details of the structure

  • Parameter description:
handleInputRobotic arm handle.
tool_framOutputStore the returned frame.
  • Return value:
1intThe controller returns false, indicating that the parameters are sent incorrectly or the robotic arm state is wrong.
-1intThe data transmission fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication.
-2intThe data reception fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication, or the controller has a return timeout.
-3intThe return value parse fails, indicating that the received data format is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Usage demo
rm_frame_t tool_frame;
result = rm_get_current_tool_frame(robot_handle, &tool_frame);
if (result == 0) {  
    printf("current tool frame name : %s\n", tool_frame.frame_name);
    printf("current tool frame payload : %f\n", tool_frame.payload);
    printf("current tool frame x : %f\n", tool_frame.x);
    printf("current tool frame y : %f\n", tool_frame.y);
    printf("current tool frame z : %f\n", tool_frame.z);
}  else {  
    printf("Failed to get current tool frame. Error code: %d\n", result);  

Set the envelope parameters of tool frame rm_set_tool_envelope()

  • Method prototype:
int rm_set_tool_envelope(rm_robot_handle * handle,rm_envelope_balls_list_t envelope)

Jump to rm_robot_handle and rm_envelope_balls_list_t for details of the structure

  • Parameter description:
handleInputRobotic arm handle.
envelopeInputEnvelope parameter list. Each tool supports 0−5 envelope balls.
  • Return value:
1intThe controller returns false, indicating that the parameters are sent incorrectly or the robotic arm state is wrong.
-1intThe data transmission fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication.
-2intThe data reception fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication, or the controller has a return timeout.
-3intThe return value parse fails, indicating that the received data format is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Usage demo
rm_envelope_balls_list_t envelope_balls_list;
// Name of tool frame, which shall match one of the tool frame names already set 
strcpy(envelope_balls_list.tool_name, "Tool2");
// Number of envelope balls to set
envelope_balls_list.size = 1;
strcpy(envelope_balls_list.balls[0].name, "L");
envelope_balls_list.balls[0].radius = 0.1;
envelope_balls_list.balls[0].x = 0.01;
envelope_balls_list.balls[0].y = 0.01;
envelope_balls_list.balls[0].z = 0.01;
result = rm_set_tool_envelope(robot_handle, envelope_balls_list);
if (result == 0) {  
    printf("Successfully set tool frame '%s' envelope '%s'\n", envelope_balls_list.tool_name, envelope_balls_list.balls[0].name);  
}  else {  
    printf("Failed to set tool frame envelope. Error code: %d\n", result);  

Get the envelope parameters of tool frame rm_get_tool_envelope()

  • Method prototype:
int rm_get_tool_envelope(rm_robot_handle *  handle,const char * tool_name,rm_envelope_balls_list_t * envelope)

Jump to rm_robot_handle and rm_envelope_balls_list_t for details of the structure

  • Parameter description:
handleInputRobotic arm handle.
tool_nameOutputTool frame names already existing in controller.
envelopeOutputStore the returned envelope parameter list. Each tool supports 0−5 envelope balls.
  • Return value:
1intThe controller returns false, indicating that the parameters are sent incorrectly or the robotic arm state is wrong.
-1intThe data transmission fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication.
-2intThe data reception fails, indicating that a problem occurs during the communication, or the controller has a return timeout.
-3intThe return value parse fails, indicating that the received data format is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Usage demo
// Name of tool frame, which shall match one of the tool frame names already set  
const char *tool_name = "Tool2";  

// Assign and initialize the envelope ball list  
rm_envelope_balls_list_t envelope;  
memset(&envelope, 0, sizeof(envelope)); // Initialize the structure to set all members to 0  
strcpy(envelope.tool_name, tool_name); // Copy the tool name  

result = rm_get_tool_envelope(robot_handle, tool_name, &envelope);  

// Check the returned values of functions and print the results  
if (result == 0) { 
    printf("Successfully retrieved tool envelope for tool '%s'.\n", tool_name);  
    printf("Number of envelopes: %d\n", envelope.size);  
    for (int i = 0; i < envelope.size; i++) {  
        printf("Envelope %d: Name='%s', Radius=%.3f, Center=(%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)\n",  
                i, envelope.balls[i].name, envelope.balls[i].radius,  
                envelope.balls[i].x, envelope.balls[i].y, envelope.balls[i].z);  
} else {  
    printf("Failed to retrieve tool envelope for tool '%s'.\n", tool_name);  