Introduction to the ROS2 Calling API Interface Package (V1.0.0) To facilitate users in controlling the robotic arm through ROS2, RealMan provides an API-based ROS2 package, and the details on the control of the robotic arm are available in the relevant documents and descriptions of the API. In actual use, users establish communication with the robotic arm through the Ethernet port to control the robotic arm.
Error description
Type of the system error
S/N | Error Code (Hexadecimal) | Description |
1 | 0x0000 | Normal system |
2 | 0x1001 | Abnormal joint communication |
3 | 0x1002 | Target angle out of limit |
4 | 0x1003 | Point unreachable as a singularity |
5 | 0x1004 | Real-time kernel communication error |
6 | 0x1005 | Joint communication bus error |
7 | 0x1006 | Planning layer kernel error |
8 | 0x1007 | Joint overspeed |
9 | 0x1008 | End interface board disconnected |
10 | 0x1009 | Speed out of limit |
11 | 0x100A | Acceleration out of limit |
12 | 0x100B | Joint brake release failed |
13 | 0x100C | Overspeed during drag teaching |
14 | 0x100D | Robotic arm collision |
15 | 0x100E | Null work frame |
16 | 0x100F | Null tool frame |
17 | 0x1010 | Joint disabling error |
Type of the joint error
S/N | Error Code (Hexadecimal) | Description |
1 | 0x0000 | Normal joint |
2 | 0x0001 | FOC error |
3 | 0x0002 | Overvoltage |
4 | 0x0004 | Undervoltage |
5 | 0x0008 | Over-temperature |
6 | 0x0010 | Start failed |
7 | 0x0020 | Encoder error |
8 | 0x0040 | Overcurrent |
9 | 0x0080 | Software error |
10 | 0x0100 | Temperature sensor error |
11 | 0x0200 | Position out of limit error |
12 | 0x0400 | Invalid joint ID |
13 | 0x0800 | Position tracking error |
14 | 0x1000 | Current detection error |
15 | 0x2000 | Brake release failed |
16 | 0x4000 | Position command step warning |
17 | 0x8000 | Multi-coil joint data loss |
18 | 0xF000 | Communication frame loss |
Type of the API error
S/N | Error Code (Hexadecimal) | Description |
1 | 0x0000 | Normal system |
2 | 0x0001 | Request return: FALSE |
3 | 0x0002 | Uninitialized robotic arm or invalid type input |
4 | 0x0003 | Illegal timeout |
5 | 0x0004 | Socket initialization failed |
6 | 0x0005 | Socket connection failed |
7 | 0x0006 | Socket transmission failed |
8 | 0x0007 | Socket communication timeout |
9 | 0x0008 | Unknown error |
10 | 0x0009 | Incomplete data |
11 | 0x000A | Array length error |
12 | 0x000B | Data type error |
13 | 0x000C | Type error |
14 | 0x000D | Callback function missing |
15 | 0x000E | Abnormal robotic arm stop |
16 | 0x000F | Excessively long name of the trajectory file |
17 | 0x0010 | Trajectory file verification failed |
18 | 0x0011 | Trajectory file read failed |
19 | 0x0012 | The controller is busy, please try again later |
20 | 0x0013 | Invalid input |
21 | 0x0014 | Full data queue |
22 | 0x0015 | Computation failed |
23 | 0x0016 | File open failed |
24 | 0x0017 | Manual stop of the force control calibration |
25 | 0x0018 | No savable trajectory |
Joint configuration
Clear the joint error code Jointerrclear.msg
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
joint_num | uint8 | Corresponding joint number, 1−6 from the base to the robotic arm's gripper. |
block | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub /rm_driver/set_joint_err_clear_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Jointerrclear "joint_num: 1 block: true"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/set_joint_err_clear_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. |
Work frame setting
Change the current work frame
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | String | ROS built-in msg. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub /rm_driver/change_work_frame_cmd std_msgs/msg/String "data: 'Base'"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/change_work_frame_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. |
Frame getting
Get the current tool frame
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | Empty | ROS built-in msg. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/get_current_tool_frame_cmd std_msgs/msg/Empty "{}"
Return command demo: Name of the current tool frame.
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/get_current_tool_frame_result
Get the names of all tool frames
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | Empty | ROS built-in msg. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub /rm_driver/get_all_tool_frame_cmd std_msgs/msg/Empty "{}"
Return command demo: Names of all tool frames.
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/get_all_tool_frame_result
Get the current work frame
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | Empty | ROS built-in msg. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/get_curr_workFrame_cmd std_msgs/msg/Empty "{}"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/get_curr_workFrame_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. |
Get the names of all work frames
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | Empty | ROS built-in msg. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/get_all_work_frame_cmd std_msgs/msg/Empty "{}"
Return command demo: Names of all work frames.
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/get_all_work_frame_result
Robotic arm state getting
Get the current robotic arm state — return the angle and Euler angle of each joint
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | Empty | ROS built-in msg. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/get_current_arm_state_cmd std_msgs/msg/Empty "{}"
Return command demo: Current joint state (angle) + pose (Euler angle) + error message.
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/get_current_arm_original_state_result
Get the current robotic arm state — return the radian and quaternion of each joint
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | Empty | ROS built-in msg. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/get_current_arm_state_cmd std_msgs/msg/Empty "{}"
Return command demo: Current joint state (radian) + pose (quaternion) + error message.
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/get_current_arm_state_result
Robotic arm motion planning
Joint motion
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
joint | float32[6] | Joint angle, in rad. |
speed | uint8 | Speed percentage, 0−100. |
block | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo: 6-DoF robotic arm:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/movej_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Movej "joint: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] speed: 20 block: true dof: 6"
7-DoF robotic arm:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/movej_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Movej "joint: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] speed: 20 block: true trajectory_connect: 0 dof: 7"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/movej_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Cartesian-space linear motion Movel.msg
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
geometry_msgs/Pose | float | Robotic arm pose, including x, y, z coordinates (float type, in m) + quaternion. |
speed | uint8 | Speed percentage, 0−100. |
block | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo: Firstly, execute the MoveJ_P:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/movej_p_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Movejp "pose:position: x: -0.317239 y: 0.120903 z: 0.255765 orientation: x: -0.983404 y: -0.178432 z: 0.032271 w: 0.006129<br>speed:20 block: true"
Then, execute the MoveL:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/movel_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Movel "pose: position: x: -0.317239 y: 0.120903 z: 0.295765 orientation: x: -0.983404 y: -0.178432 z: 0.032271 w: 0.006129 speed: 20 trajectory_connect: 0 block: true"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/movel_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Cartesian-space circular motion Movec.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
pose_mid | geometry_msgs/Pose | Middle pose of the robotic arm, including x, y, z coordinates (float type, in m) + quaternion. |
pose_end | geometry_msgs/Pose | End pose of the robotic arm, including x, y, z coordinates (float type, in m) + quaternion. |
speed | uint8 | Speed percentage, 0−100. |
block | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo: Firstly, execute the MoveJ_P:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/movej_p_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Movejp "pose: position: x: 0.274946 y: -0.058786 z: 0.299028 orientation: x: 0.7071 y: -0.7071 z: 0.0 w: 0.0 speed: 0 block: true"
Then, execute the MoveC to reach the given position:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/movec_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Movec "pose_mid: position: x: 0.324946 y: -0.008786 z: 0.299028 orientation: x: 0.7071 y: -0.7071 z: 0.0 w: 0.0<br>pose_end: position: x: 0.274946 y: 0.041214 z: 0.299028 orientation: x: 0.7071 y: -0.7071 z: 0.0 w: 0.0 speed: 20 trajectory_connect: 0 block: false loop: 0
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/movec_result
Joint angle pass-through via CANFD JointPos.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
joint | float32[6] | Joint angle, in rad. |
follow | bool | Follow state, true: high follow, false: low follow, default: high follow. |
expand | float32 | Expansion angle, in rad. |
block | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo: Pass-through requires continuously sending multiple consecutive points to achieve the functionality, rather than simply relying on the following command. Currently, the moveit2 uses an angle pass-through control.
ros2 topic pub /rm_driver/movej_canfd_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Jointpos "joint: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] follow: false expand: 0.0 dof: 6"
Return command demo: Succeeded: no return value; failed: return the error code from the driver terminal.
Pose pass-through via CANFD Jointpos.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
pose | geometry_msgs/Pose | Pass-through pose, including x, y, z coordinates (float type, in m) + quaternion. |
follow | bool | Follow state, true: high follow, false: low follow, default: high follow. |
Usage command demo: A large number of consecutive points (more than 10) are required and continuously published with a cycle of at least 2 ms. However, simply relying on the following command will not accomplish the task.
ros2 topic pub /rm_driver/movep_canfd_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Cartepos "pose: position: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 orientation: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 w: 1.0 follow: false"
Return command demo: Succeeded: no return value; failed: return the error code from the driver terminal.
Joint space planning to target pose Movejp.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
pose | geometry_msgs/Pose | Target pose, including x, y, z coordinates (float type, in m) + quaternion. |
speed | uint8 | Speed percentage, 0−100. |
block | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/movej_p_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Movejp "pose: position: x: -0.317239 y: 0.120903 z: 0.255765 orientation: x: -0.983404 y: -0.178432 z: 0.032271 w: 0.006129 speed: 20 block: true"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/movej_p_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Quick stop std_msgs
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | bool | Quick/Non-quick stop, true: quick stop, false: non-quick stop. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub /rm_driver/move_stop_cmd std_msgs/msg/Bool "data: true"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/move_stop_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Controller configuration
Get the controller version Armsoftversion.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
planversion | string | Kernel version of the user interface. |
ctrlversion | string | Real-time kernel version. |
kernal1 | string | Real-time version of kernel 1. |
kernal2 | string | Real-time version of kernel 2. |
productversion | string | Model of the robotic arm. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub /rm_driver/get_arm_software_version_cmd std_msgs/msg/Empty "{}"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/get_arm_software_version_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
End effector IO configuration
Set the tool power output std_msgs
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | uint16 | Power output type, 0: 0 V, 2: 12 V, 3: 24 V. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/set_tool_voltage_cmd std_msgs/msg/UInt16 "data: 0"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/set_tool_voltage_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Gripper control
The RealMan robotic arm supports various common grippers. In the system, the INSPIRE-ROBOTS EG2-4C2 gripper is equipped. To facilitate user operation of the gripper, the robotic arm controller has adapted the gripper for ROS-based control.
Set the force-controlled grasping of the gripper Gripperpick.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
speed | uint16 | 1−1,000, representing the gripper opening and closing speed, without a unit of measurement. |
force | uint16 | 1−1,000, representing the gripping force of the gripper, with a maximum of 1.5 kg. |
block | uint16 | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/set_gripper_pick_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Gripperpick "speed: 200 force: 200 block: true"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/set_gripper_pick_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Set the continuous force-controlled grasping of the gripper Gripperpick.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
speed | uint16 | 1−1,000, representing the gripper opening and closing speed, without a unit of measurement. |
force | uint16 | 1−1,000, representing the gripping force of the gripper, with a maximum of 1.5 kg. |
block | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/set_gripper_pick_on_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Gripperpick "speed: 200 force: 200 block: true"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/set_gripper_pick_on_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Set the gripper to a given position Gripperset.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
position | uint16 | Gripper target position, range: 1−1,000, representing the gripper opening: 0−70 mm. |
block | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/set_gripper_position_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Gripperset "position: 500 block: true"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/set_gripper_position_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Drag teaching and trajectory replay
Set the force-position hybrid control Setforceposition.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
sensor | uint8 | 0: 1-DoF force, 1: 6-DoF force uint8 mode: 0: force control in the base frame, 1: force control in the tool frame. |
direction | uint8 | Force control direction, 0: along the X-axis, 1: along the Y-axis, 2: along the Z-axis, 3: along the RX orientation, 4: along the RY orientation, 5: along the RZ orientation. |
n | int16 | Magnitude of the force, unit: N, accuracy: 0.1 N. |
block | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/set_force_postion_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Setforceposition "sensor: 1 mode: 0 direction: 2 n: 3 block: false"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/set_force_postion_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Stop the force-position hybrid control std_msgs
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub /rm_driver/stop_force_postion_cmd std_msgs/msg/Bool "data: true"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/clear_force_data_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Use of the 6-DoF force sensor
The RealMan RM-65F robotic arm is equipped with an integrated 6-DoF force sensor at the end effector, eliminating the need for external wiring. Users can directly control the 6-DoF force through ROS topics.
Clear the 6-DoF force data std_msgs
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub /rm_driver/clear_force_data_cmd std_msgs/msg/Bool "data: true"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/clear_force_data_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Control of the five-fingered dexterous hand
The RealMan RM65 robotic arm is equipped with a five-fingered dexterous hand, which can be configured by the ROS.
Set the gesture sequence number of the dexterous hand Handposture.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
posture_num | uint16 | Gesture sequence number pre-stored in the dexterous hand, range: 1−40. |
data | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/set_hand_posture_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Handposture "posture_num: 1 block: true"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/set_hand_posture_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Set the action sequence number of the dexterous hand Handseq.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
seq_num | uint16 | Action sequence number pre-stored in the dexterous hand, range: 1−40. |
data | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/set_hand_seq_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Handseq "seq_num: 1 block: true"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/set_hand_seq_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Set the angles of the dexterous hand Handangle.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
hand_angle | int16[6] | Array of finger angles, range: 0−1,000. Additionally, -1 indicates that no action will be performed for this degree of freedom, and the current state will be maintained. |
data | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/set_hand_angle_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Handangle "hand_angle: - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 block: true"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/set_hand_angle_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Set the speed of the dexterous hand Handspeed.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
hand_speed | int16[6] | Finger speed, range: 1−1,000. |
data | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/set_hand_speed_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Handspeed "hand_speed: 200 block: true"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/set_hand_speed_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Set the force threshold of the dexterous hand Handforce.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
hand_force | int16 | Finger force, range: 1−1,000. |
data | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/set_hand_force_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Handforce "hand_force: 200 block: true"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/set_hand_force_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Lifting mechanism
The RealMan robotic arm controller can integrate a self-developed lifting mechanism, and this interface is used for the control of the lifting mechanism.
Set the open-loop speed control of the lifting mechanism Liftspeed.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
speed | int16 | Speed percentage, -100−100, speed<0: lifting mechanism moves down, speed>0: lifting mechanism moves up, speed=0: lifting mechanism stops moving. |
data | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub /rm_driver/set_lift_speed_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Liftspeed "speed: 100"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/set_lift_speed_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Set the closed-loop position control of the lifting mechanism Liftheight.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
height | int16 | Target height, unit: mm, range: 0−2,600. |
speed | int16 | Speed percentage, 1−100. |
data | bool | Blocking/Non-blocking mode, true: blocking mode, false: non-blocking mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/set_lift_height_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Liftheight "height: 0 speed: 10 block: true"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/set_lift_height_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Get the state of the lifting mechanism Liftstate.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
height | int16 | Target height, unit: mm, range: 0−2,600. |
current | int16 | Current current. |
err_flag | uint16 | Drive error code. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub /rm_driver/get_lift_state_cmd std_msgs/msg/Empty "{}"
Return command demo: Return if succeeded: current state of the lifting mechanism; return if failed: error code from the driver terminal.
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/get_lift_state_result
Pass-through force-position hybrid control compensation mode
For RealMan robotic arms in 6-DoF force versions, in addition to directly using the teach pendant to call the underlying force-position hybrid control module, users can also use this interface to integrate custom trajectories with the underlying force-position hybrid control algorithm for compensation in a periodic pass-through form. If the force data calibration is not performed before the force operation, the zero position can be calibrated through the 6-DoF force data clearing interface.
Start the pass-through force-position hybrid control compensation mode std_msgs
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | Empty | Start the pass-through force-position hybrid control compensation mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub /rm_driver/start_force_position_move_cmd std_msgs/msg/Empty "{}"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/start_force_position_move_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Stop the pass-through force-position hybrid control compensation mode std_msgs
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | Empty | Stop the pass-through force-position hybrid control compensation mode. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub /rm_driver/stop_force_position_move_cmd std_msgs/msg/Empty "{}"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/stop_force_position_move_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Pass-through force-position hybrid control compensation — joint Forcepositionmovejoint.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
joint | float32[6] | Target joint radian. |
sensor | uint8 | Sensor type, 0: 1-DoF force, 1: 6-DoF force. |
mode | uint8 | Mode, 0: along the base frame, 1: along the end frame. |
dir | int16 | Force control direction, 0−5: X/Y/Z/Rx/Ry/Rz. For the 1-DoF force type, the default direction is the Z-axis. |
force | float32 | Magnitude of the force, in N. |
follow | bool | Follow state, true: high follow, false: low follow. |
dof | uint8 | Degree of freedom of the robotic arm. |
Usage command demo: A large number of consecutive points (more than 10) are required and continuously published with a cycle of at least 2 ms.
ros2 topic pub /rm_driver/force_position_move_joint_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Forcepositionmovejoint " joint: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] sensor: 0 mode: 0 dir: 0 force: 0.0 follow: false dof: 6
Return command demo: Return if succeeded: NULL; return if failed: false and error code from the driver terminal.
Pass-through force-position hybrid control compensation — pose Forcepositionmovepose.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
pose | float | Target pose, including x, y, z coordinates (in m) + quaternion. |
sensor | uint8 | Sensor type, 0: 1-DoF force, 1: 6-DoF force. |
mode | uint8 | Mode, 0: along the base frame, 1: along the end frame. |
dir | int16 | Force control direction, 0−5: X/Y/Z/Rx/Ry/Rz. For the 1-DoF force type, the default direction is the Z-axis. |
force | float32 | Magnitude of the force, in N. |
follow | bool | Follow state, true: high follow, false: low follow. |
Usage command demo: A large number of consecutive points (more than 10) are required and continuously published with a cycle of at least 2 ms.
ros2 topic pub /rm_driver/force_position_move_pose_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Forcepositionmovepose "pose: position: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 orientation: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 w: 1.0 sensor: 0 mode: 0 dir: 0 force: 0 follow: false"
Return command demo: Return if succeeded: NULL; return if failed: false and error code from the driver terminal.
Robotic arm state active reporting
Set the UDP-based real-time robotic arm state pushing Setrealtimepush.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
cycle | uint16 | Set the broadcast cycle, in multiple of 5 ms (1 by default, i.e., 1*5=5 ms, or 200 Hz). |
port | uint16 | Set the broadcast port number (8089 by default). |
force_coordinate | uint16 | Set the frame for external force data (only supported by robotic arms with force sensors). |
ip | string | Set the custom pushing target IP address ( by default). |
force | float32 | Magnitude of the force, in N. |
follow | bool | Follow state, true: high follow, false: low follow. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/set_realtime_push_cmd rm_ros_interfaces/msg/Setrealtimepush "cycle: 1<br>port: 8089 force_coordinate: 0 ip: ''"
Return command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/set_realtime_push_result
Parameter description:
Parameter | Type | Description |
std_msgs | bool | true: setting succeeded, false: setting failed. Return the error code from the driver terminal. |
Get the UDP-based real-time robotic arm state pushing Getrealtimepush.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
cycle | uint16 | Set the broadcast cycle, in multiple of 5 ms (1 by default, i.e., 1*5=5 ms, or 200 Hz). |
port | uint16 | Set the broadcast port number (8089 by default). |
force_coordinate | uint16 | Set the frame for external force data (only supported by robotic arms with force sensors). |
ip | string | Set the custom pushing target IP address ( by default). |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic pub --once /rm_driver/get_realtime_push_cmd std_msgs/msg/Empty "{}"
Return command demo: Return if succeeded: settings; return if failed: error code from the driver terminal.
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/get_realtime_push_result
UDP robotic arm state active reporting
6-DoF force Sixforce.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
force_fx | float32 | Magnitude of the force along the X-axis. |
force_fy | float32 | Magnitude of the force along the Y-axis. |
force_fz | float32 | Magnitude of the force along the Z-axis. |
force_mx | float32 | Magnitude of the rotation force along the X-axis. |
force_my | float32 | Magnitude of the rotation force along the Y-axis. |
force_mz | float32 | Magnitude of the rotation force along the Z-axis. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/udp_six_force
Robotic arm error std_msgs
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | uint16 | Robotic arm error. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/udp_six_force
System error std_msgs
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | uint16 | System error. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/udp_sys_err
Joint error Jointerrorcode.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
joint_error | uint16 | Each joint error. |
dof | uint8 | Degree of freedom of the robotic arm. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/udp_joint_error_code
Robotic arm radian data sensor_msgs
Parameter | Type | Description |
stamp | int32 | sec: second. |
nanosec | uint32 | Time, in ns. |
frame_id | string | Frame name. |
name | string | Joint name. |
position | float64 | Joint radian. |
velocity | float64 | Joint velocity. |
effort | float64 | Joint force. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic echo /joint_states
Pose geometry_msgs
Parameter | Type | Description |
Point position | float64 | Current coordinates of the robotic arm: x, y, z. |
Quaternion orientation | float64 | Current orientation of the robotic arm: x, y, z, w. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/udp_arm_position
External force data of the current 6-DoF force sensor frame Sixforce.msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
force_fx | float32 | Magnitude of external force along the X-axis of the current sensor frame. |
force_fy | float32 | Magnitude of external force along the Y-axis of the current sensor frame. |
force_fz | float32 | Magnitude of external force along the Z-axis of the current sensor frame. |
force_mx | float32 | Magnitude of the rotation force along the X-axis of the current sensor frame. |
force_my | float32 | Magnitude of the rotation force along the Y-axis of the current sensor frame. |
force_mz | float32 | Magnitude of the rotation force along the Z-axis of the current sensor frame. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/udp_six_zero_force
Reference frame for external force data std_msgs
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | uint16 | Frame for external force data, 0: sensor frame, 1: current work frame, 2: current tool frame. This data will affect the reference frame for the external force data of the 6-DoF force sensor. |
Usage command demo:
ros2 topic echo /rm_driver/udp_arm_coordinate