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Expansion Joint State Structure rm_expand_state_t

Parameter description

posintExpansion joint angle, unit: °, accuracy: 0.001° (for the height of the lifting mechanism, unit: mm, accuracy: 1 mm, range: 0−2,300).
currentintCurrent drive current, unit: mA, accuracy: 1 mA.
err_flagintDrive error code, refer to joint error codes for details.
modeintCurrent state, 0: idle, 1: forward speed motion, 2: forward position motion, 3: backward speed motion, 4: backward position motion.

Member function

rm_ctypes_wrap.rm_expand_state_t.to_dict (self, recurse = True)

Return the class variables as dictionaries and, if the recurse is True, process the structure fields recursively through ctypes.