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UDP-Based Custom Real-Time Pushing Item rm_udp_custom_config_t

Parameter description

joint_speedintJoint speed. 1: enable push, 0: disable push, -1: no setting, previous state kept
lift_stateintLifting joint state. 1: enable push, 0: disable push, -1: no setting, previous state kept
expand_stateintExpansion joint state (the lifting joint and expansion joint are optional, and the lifting joint is preferred). 1: enable push, 0: disable push, -1: no setting, previous state kept
arm_current_statusintCurrent robotic arm state. 1: enable push, 0: disable push, -1: no setting, previous state kept
hand_stateintDexterous hand state. 1: enable push, 0: disable push, -1: no setting, previous state kept
aloha_stateintaloha state. 1: enable push, 0: disable push, -1: no setting, previous state kept

Member function

rm_ctypes_wrap.rm_udp_custom_config_t.to_dict(self, recurse = True)

Return the class variables as dictionaries and, if the recurse is True, process the structure fields recursively through ctypes.