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Pass-Through Force-Position Hybrid Compensation Parameters rm_force_position_move_t

Class member variable description

Pass-through data flag flag_type

0: target angle, 1: target pose.

int rm_force_position_move_t::flag

Pass-through target pose pose

Target pose in the current frame, with orientation represented by quaternion/Euler angle. Position accuracy: 0.001 mm, orientation accuracy: 0.001 rad for orientation represented by Euler angle; 0.000001 for orientation represented by quaternion

rm_pose_t rm_force_position_move_t::pose

Pass-through target joint angle array joint

Target joint angle, unit: °, accuracy: 0.001°.

float rm_force_position_move_t::joint[ARM_DOF]

Sensor type sensor

0: 1-DoF force, 1: 6-DoF force.

int rm_force_position_move_t::sensor

Force frame mode

0: force control in the base frame, 1: force control in the tool frame.

int rm_force_position_move_t::mode

High follow follow

Driver motion follow, true: high follow, false: low follow.

bool rm_force_position_move_t::follow

Force control mode array for each axis control_mode

6-DoF (Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz) mode, 0: fixed mode, 1: float mode, 2: spring mode, 3: motion mode, 4: force tracking mode; 8: force tracking + orientation adaption mode.

int rm_force_position_move_t::control_mode[6]

Desired force/torque array for each axis desired_force

Desired force/torque maintained by the force control axis. When the force control mode of the axis is the force tracking mode, the desired force/torque setting will take effect, with an accuracy of 0.1 N.

float rm_force_position_move_t::desired_force[6]

Maximum linear/angular speed limit array for each axis limit_vel

Maximum linear speed and angular speed limits of the force control axis, effective only for the enabled force control direction. The accuracy of the maximum linear speed of axes (x, y, z) is 0.001 m/s, and that of the maximum angular speed of axes (rx, ry, rz) is 0.001 °/s.

float rm_force_position_move_t::limit_vel[6]

Transparency Mode trajectory_mode

In high-follow mode, 0 - Full Transparency Mode, 1 - Curve Fitting Mode, 2 - Filtering Mode.

int rm_force_position_move_t::trajectory_mode

Smoothing Factor radio

The smoothing factor for Curve Fitting Mode and Filtering Mode (the higher the value, the better the effect), ranging from 0 to 100.

int rm_force_position_move_t::radio