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Robotic Arm Position and Orientation Structure rm_frame_t

Parameter description

frame_namebytesFrame name, up to 10 bytes (including the null byte at the end).
poserm_pose_tFrame pose, containing position and orientation.
payloadfloatEnd effector payload weight, in kg.
xfloatX-coordinate of the center of mass of end effector payload.
yfloatY-coordinate of the center of mass of end effector payload.
zfloatZ-coordinate of the center of mass of end effector payload.

Constructor function

rm_frame_t.__init__(self,str  frame_name = None,tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]  pose = None,float  payload = None,float  x = None,float  y = None,float  z = None)

Parameter description:

frame_namestr, optionalFrame name, up to 10 bytes. Default: None.
posetuple[float, float, float, float, float, float], optionalTuple of the frame pose, containing three position coordinates (x, y, z) and three Euler angles (rx, ry, rz).
payloadfloat, optionalEnd effector payload weight, in kg. Default: None.
xfloat, optionalX-coordinate of the center of mass of end effector payload, in m. Default: None.
yfloat, optionalY-coordinate of the center of mass of end effector payload, in m. Default: None.
zfloat, optionalZ-coordinate of the center of mass of end effector payload, in m. Default: None.

Return value:

ValueErrorReturn if the frame_name is longer than 10 bytes.
ValueErrorReturn if the pose is not a tuple containing 6 floats (x, y, z, rx, ry, rz).

Member function

dict[str, any] Robotic_Arm.rm_ctypes_wrap.rm_frame_t.to_dictionary(self)

Convert the rm_frame_t to a dictionary. Parameter description:

namestrFrame name.
poseList[float]List of positions and Euler angles, represented by [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz].
payloadfloatEnd effector payload weight, in kg.
xfloatPosition of end effector payload, in m.
yfloatPosition of end effector payload, in m.
zfloatPosition of end effector payload, in m.